
My name is Samantha and I live in Avon, Connecticut.  I am lucky enough to be married to my favorite human in the entire world.  I am a dog mom, a no-joke coffee addict, a home chef, and a lover of all things cheese (yes, i realize most of my descriptors revolve around food; not an accident, just speaking my truth).


I am fascinated by personal growth and am passionate about lending an ear and being an advocate for the women in my circle.  


I would love for you to join that circle.  I don’t have all of the answers and my life isn’t perfect, but I’m hoping we can all learn and grow from each other.  If you are interested in learning more about me or The Resilience, be sure to follow along on Instagram!


You’ll also find a lot of food posts here..  it’s one of the main way I get through all of life’s ups and downs.  Feelings sad?  There’s a meal for that!  Get a promotion?  There’s a meal for that!  You get the point.  

The Resilience Story

This site has been in my dreams for quite some time.  All of my adult life, I have gone through, and watched other women go through, really challenging experiences.  


What has been the most important part of making it through?  Having a solid and supportive friend circle.  


The Resilience is intended to be a virtual friend circle where we can come together, speak truth into each other’s lives, and remind each other of our strength and resilience to get through whatever life throws our way.


Please join us!  Stop by when you need some encouragement or when you have some love to share.


I have big (maybe even audacious) dreams for this community and I am so excited for you to be a part of it!

Why "The Resilience"?

Resilience has always been one of the traits I admire most in my role models.  The fact that these women can walk through fire and still continuously show up for their babies, spouses, companies, communities with a smile is incredible!  It doesn’t mean life never gets them down, but they are able to look beyond the current situation and find the strength to keep moving.


The name is also a play off of the concept of “The Resistance” (I may be obsessed with Man in the High Castle).  But for real, resilience is not a passive trait.  It is an active daily choice to get up, keep going, and find joy.


This space is intended to help us all to find a little joy each day throughout our many ups and downs.  In a time when we are more likely to isolate ourselves when we are going through hard times, this is a place to find support and encouragement.  We are here for you.

Find us on instagram

We are so glad that you are here - Please follow us on Instagram and say hello!