
Resilience Story: Meet K

Today's highlight is an especially strong momma!  She's one of the first people i got to know when i moved to CT and it just so happens that we grew up a few miles apart in PA.  K always has good perspective and she has a way of knowing when i need encouragement and showing up to cheer me on.  My hope is that her words below offer some of that same encouragement to you too.

1. Name: K

2. Hometown: Lititz, PA

3. Current town: Canton, CT

4. Favorite song? This is incredibly difficult to choose. Most recently, “Don’t Start Now” by Dua Lipa

5. Favorite book? ‘Pride & Prejudice’

6. Favorite recipe? Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken & Veggies (the easier the better!)

7. What does resilience mean to you? To me, resilience is necessary. There’s not a day that goes by where some difficult situation or complex feelings have the opportunity to bog you down. Resilience is the ability to get up and move forward in all these kinds of circumstances and, in the words of Anna from Frozen, “Do the next right thing.”

8. Describe a time when you were so happy you felt like singing out loud: I think right after I went bungee jumping when I was studying abroad in college. It was an incredible high and I was in an incredible place doing these incredible things. 

9. Share a story about something you regret or the hardest thing you've even had to go through: I think the hardest thing I’ve dealt with was postpartum depression/anxiety while pregnant with my second. Trying to show up for my daughter, while wanting to do nothing but crawl into bed and sleep and cry, was definitely a low point. 

10. What do you do to get through the hard times? I rely heavily on my family and friends, but also need alone time to process my feelings and thoughts. Sometimes I like to write things down and then binge tv shows or get lost in a book to forget about real life for a while.

11. What is one thing you can't live without? My contacts!

12. Describe what you are going through now in one word, and then explain: Balance. I’m struggling to find balance in all that I have going on right now. Stay-at-home-momming, keeping up the house (cleaning and cooking), my relationship with my husband, starting up and running a new business, my own health, etc. There aren’t enough hours in the day and I certainly don’t have enough energy to do everything. Oh and let’s throw a pandemic on top of it.

13. What is the one thing that you are most proud of? My daughters

14. If you were to offer one piece of advice to other women, what would it be? Ask for help. We are so conditioned to do things on our own. Somehow this idea that getting help shows weakness has permeated our society for both men and women. Nowadays, when we’re expected to ‘do it all’, it’s even harder to ask for help because it feels like we’re failing in some way. Whatever it is you are struggling with, whether it be career, family, your health (mental, physical, emotional), don’t be afraid to ask for help!

15. If you got to be Oprah for a day and give everyone one product, what would you choose? A Dyson vacuum! Game-changer 

Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments!   

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Vanessa (Thursday, 28 January 2021 10:20)

    I love the message of ask for help! We put our own perceptions on why asking for help is weak and I often have to tell myself it’s the strong thing to do.

  • #2

    Lindsey (Thursday, 28 January 2021 11:23)

    Wow, balance. I can definitely relate to what K is describing here. Not enough hours in the day is right. I loved reading this perspective.