Asher always asks me about my work day and my habit is to answer him like an elementary school child.
“Babe, how was your day”
“It was okay”
He doesn’t usually question me.. i mean who would want to make conversation about my okay day.. but recently he asked me if I’m satisfied with living a life where everyday is just okay.
So after i got mad at that accusation and pointed assumption that my life sucks (#overreaction), i realized that he was right. I’m not fine with living an “okay” life, but the problem isn’t with what I’m doing, it’s how I’m internalizing my day.
Every single day there is something to celebrate, but I had been letting the one bad thing take the whole day down to “okay” land.
So now i ask myself this question: “Did you really have an okay day today or did you have a bad few minutes that you're allowing to define the day?”
It helps me flip the script before i move into the evening so that when Asher asks about my day, I now point to a win with a project I’m working on or something new i learned from a podcast that morning or the walk i got to take outside at lunchtime.
So here is my challenge: try changing the script in your head about each day this week to focus on the positive things that happened. Let me know how it goes!
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